Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Cheers to new memories, new opportunities and more love

Happy 2015! I feel like we had our new start with our move across country, but I am stoked for the adventure to continue in 2015. For someone who is such a planner I am super excited for the unknown of the new year. This move really redefined our priorities and we are going into 2015 with open minds. The move was scary, but it gave me a chance to be brave. Being brave is pretty exhilarating, don't you think? Cheers to embracing the new! May your year be filled with thrilling challenges and even greater rewards.

Foodies for life

If you know Kenny and I even a little bit, then you will know that we are HUGE foodies. Not the kind that go to restaurants and then blow them up on yelp. Oh no, we are definitely not those foodies. To us, good food is more than just food. Food is social, cultural, and theatrical.We are people who have worked in the industry for many years and know what goes into creating a good experience for the guests and we certainly appreciate being the guest.

 When Kenny and I go out we look forward to GOOD food and after an awesome meal, Kenny always asks the server to compliment the Chef. 

Recently I found Chef Frank Prisinzano's Instagram where he honestly reviews his own food on social media. He reviewed his burger in detail.. Check out what he said here

Speaking of good food, have you heard of Kindred? Get ready Charlotte/Davidson folks! This place is going to kick ass!

Saturday, December 27, 2014


We've found our place!! Yesterday we took my brother in law and his wife up to Asheville for the day. It was amazing! As we drove through town we just felt so at home. Kenny turned to me and said, "I never thought seeing a homeless person would me me feel so at home." Ha! The town just had the energy that we felt in San Francisco. Such an amazing little town. So beautiful! 

I wish we had more time there, but we will definitely be going back. 

Next up, Charleston. 

Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas in Charlotte

Christmas has come and gone. No, seriously, I boxed everything up and put it away this morning. I love Christmas, but when it's over I am ready to have my house back to normal and gear up for the new year. 

Santa was so good to my littles this year! They are loving all of their toys and the group gifts are forcing them to have to share. They love sharing, as you can imagine! (Yeah right)

This week while we are off work/school we plan to do lots of exploring! Off to Asheville as I type. Hope you are all enjoying your family time back home. We miss you all!

Hugs from the Carolina's! 

-The Hanlons

Monday, December 22, 2014

Santa at Birkdale Village (post from 12/10)

On a scale of 1-10 our Christmas spirit is a 12!  I am on a Christmas high! I truly love the holidays. I feel so giddy and childish. I even get emotional when hearing my favorite Christmas songs. 

We've been doing lots of festive stuff around here. Decorated our tree, made gingerbread houses, put lights outside of our house for the first time ever! It's been pretty magical. Today we went and saw Santa and I wish I would've prepared a bit better for our visit. You see, Michael has been coming home asking lots of questions about santa- is he real? Does he really take pictures at a mall? Why do his friends (who are also kindergartners) say that there is no Santa? First of all, how can a five year old possibly think there is no Santa?! We had michael on the right track, but once he met southern bell Santa, he raised an eyebrow. He asked me if Santa had allergies and asked Santa if he had a cold. Santa said he felt fine and looked at us as if he was confused. 

We brushed it off and so did he, but we can tell he is pretty skeptical of this Santa Business. Oy vey!

Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

New adventures

Kenny is hands down the best dad ever! No, really! He takes our boys to the most amazing places and the discoveries that the make are breath taking. 

While I am busy working Kenny normally takes the littlest ones on a little road trip. Today he took them to Crowders Mountain State Park. 

Last weekend we did a little exploring as a family. We spent some time at Hornets Nest Park and finished our afternoon playing at Freedom Park. I still cannot get over how beautiful this state is. Absolutely breathtaking! 

Friday, November 28, 2014


Our first thanksgiving in Charlotte was a success! I woke up, made cinnamon rolls, and turned on the fireplace while kenny made me a mimosa and coffee. We made a lot of food ahead of time so I got to watch the entire Macy's parade with my boys.

Once the parade was over the boys made gingerbread houses.... Well, I made them and they stuck every other piece of candy in their mouths. Once we were done with those we went on a super cold walk around the neighborhood to jump in the biggest piles of leaves we could find. 

Thank god for FaceTime, right? We got to FaceTime our friends Jeff and Fabi and see their beautiful family, as well as our families. We may be 3,000 miles away, but technology allows us to see each other in real time and for that we are extremely grateful.

Per tradition we got our tree today! It's a beautiful tree and smells like heaven. The peanuts put the ornaments on and ran around the living room with their stocking screaming with excitement. They are anxiously waiting for their elf on a shelf to arrive and kenny and I are praying that we remeber to move it this year. Last year he would stay in the same place for a few days and we told the kids that Frisbee must have been super tired and forgot to report back to santa. Oops!

Love from the south! 

- The Hanlons